
Faculty advisor profiles

Once students declare their area of concentration, they are mentored and advised by faculty members who are experts in their disciplines, who teach one or more of their classes, and grade their internship experiences.   By combining a strong program office with enthusiastic faculty advising, we hope to foster a "small college" atmosphere on a Research I university campus. 

ENSP Faculty Advisor Profiles

Dr. Conny S. Kazungu - Environmental Politics & Policy (GVPT)

Dr. Conny S. Kazungu is Lecturer in the Government and Politics department. She teaches GVPT273 – Introduction to Environmental Politics and GVPT417-Seminar in Advanced Topics in Environmental Policy Analysis.

Ms. Kazungu received her B.A. in International Relations from Heidelberg University (Ohio), her M.S. in Environmental Studies (Environmental Policy & Environmental Economics)from Miami University (Ohio) and, her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville where she concentrated in International Relations & Public Policy.

While at Miami, Ms. Kazungu focused on the role of lobbyists and other interest groups in Environmental Policymaking. She worked closely with local groups in Southeast Ohio on various projects including educating community members on the importance of the preservation and restoration of wetlands. In addition to teaching in ENSP, Ms. Kazungu has also taught at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the University of Houston, Downtown.

Ms. Kazungu’s appreciation for the environment grows out of her childhood background growing up in a small rural town in the Coastal region of Kenya. She has explored how the Mijikenda group in Kilifi, Kenya is adapting to increasingly unpredictable weather patterns including drought, food and water scarcity, and unpredictable rainfall patterns. She continues to explore how these communities are coping with Climate Change including the adverse socio-economic impact. 

Ms. Kazungu enjoys exploring the national parks, vast green spaces and, mountains in Northern Virginia, and her hometown of Kenya. She likes hiking and has explored trails including the Pipiwaii Trails in Hawaii and the Tsavo National Park in Kenya. You may contact Ms. Kazungu by e-mail at ckazungu [at]

Dr. Bob Hill - Soil, Water, and Land Resources (ENST)

Dr. Hill is a professor of Soil Science in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology, where he advises ENSP-Soil, Water and Land Resources students. His primary research investigates tillage effects and nutrient management in agricultural soils and turf. He teaches ENST413 - Soil and Water Conservation and ENST417 - Soil Hydrology and Physics.

Dr. Hill received his B.S. in Zoology and M.S. in Soil Science from North Carolina State University; and his Ph.D. in Soil Physics from Iowa State University. You can reach Dr. Hill be e-mailing rlh [at] or calling 301.405.1347.

Dr. Sara Lombardi - Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (BSCI)

Dr. Lombardi is a lecturer in the Department of Biology and is the advisor for thr ENSP-Biodiversity and Conservation.  Dr. Lombardi’s research focuses on physiological ecology, particularly, the impacts of predation and ambient oxygen concentration on metabolic physiology and energy allocation.   Much of Dr. Lombardi’s work has focused on Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration.  In addition to physiological ecology and restoration research, Dr. Lombardi is involved in science education research focusing on improving student learning gains, content retention, retention in the STEM fields, and perceptions of science. Dr. Lombardi earned her B.S. in Biology and Marine Science with a minor in Education from Juniata College; and her Ph.D. in Marine Estuarine Environmental Science from University of Maryland. You can contact Dr. Lombardi by emailing: saral [at]

Dr. John Merck - Environmental Geosciences and Restoration (GEOL)

A vertebrate paleontologist by training, Dr. Merck's primary research addresses the phylogenetic relationships of diapsid reptiles, focusing especially on the enigmatic euryapsids, which include ichthyosaurs, nothosaurs, placodonts, and plesiosaurs. His teaching experience spans geological and biological subjects including physical geology, invertebrate and vertebrate paleontology and evolution, and comparative vertebrate anatomy. At Maryland, he teaches GEOL 100/110 - Introduction to Physical Geology; and GEOL 331 - Principles of Paleontology.

Dr. Merck joined the University of Maryland's faculty in 1999 and has served since then as Associate Director of Science and Global Change in College Park Scholars; and advisor to ENSP-Environmental Geosciences and Restoration students. Since 2004, he has also served Director of Undergraduate Studies in Geology. In 2004, he was recognized by the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences as that year's Outstanding Instructor. He has also led eleven travel study programs to natural history localities in Arizona and the Galápagos Islands, and has participated in travel studies to other destinations. Dr. Merck is a self-described "avocational" undergraduate educator, whose philosophy is that curriculum should be structured so that students receive the maximum educational benefit for their efforts and establish early connections with their intended professions.

Dr. Merck received his B.A. In Judaic and Near Eastern Studies from Oberlin College in 1977 and, after a significant mid-life course correction, received his Ph.D. From the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Texas at Austin in 1997. In his copious free time (!!) Dr. Merck enjoys contradancing, pottery, and nature photography. He can best be reached by e-mail: jmerck [at]

Dr. Lori Lynch - Environmental Economics (AREC)

Profile coming soon!

Dr. L. Jen Shaffer - Culture & Environment (ANTH)

Dr. L. Jen Shaffer is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology, and the advisor for ENSP-Culture and Environment students. Her research focuses on human-environment relationships in social-ecological systems; and explores indigenous environmental knowledge to answer questions about how communities and households adapt and respond to environmental risks and changes associated with biodiversity conservation and climate change in rural southern African communities. She has conducted research in Mozambique, Tanzania, Portugal, South Africa, Kenya and Fiji. At Maryland, Dr. Shaffer teaches Intro to Ecological & Evolutionary Anthropology (ANTH222), Changing Climate, Changing Cultures (ANTH266), Researching Environment & Culture (ANTH468), and Anthropology & Climate Change (ANTH452/652).

Dr. Shaffer received her B.S. in Biology (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) from Cornell University, her M.S. in Environmental Studies (Biology, Geography, & Planning, Public Policy, & Management) from the University of Oregon, and her Ph.D. in Anthropology (Ecological & Environmental) from the University of Georgia. She was also a postdoctoral fellow in Geography at the Pennsylvania State University. You can contact Dr. Shaffer by emailing: lshaffe1 [at] or calling 301.405.1441.

Dr. Annette Spivy - Wildlife Ecology and Management (ENSP, ENST)

Dr. Annette Spivy received her BS in Environmental Studies from the University of Central Florida while minoring in Biology.  She then went on to receive an MSc in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology (CONS) with a focus in applied spatial ecology from the University of Maryland, College Park, where she also earned her PhD in Ecosystem Health and Natural Resources Management.  Dr. Spivy always had a passion for conservation and had also developed a strong knowledge of environmental modeling, data management, and quantitative assessments of environmental change and quality (with the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and select programming software). 

As a contemporary scientist, Dr. Spivy relentlessly investigates the influence of humans on habitats and landscapes.  She strives to answer these questions through interdisciplinary research and rigorous analysis of the relationships between people, organizations, technologies, institutions, cultures, and the environment.  She believes this pragmatic approach is essential for addressing today’s environmental issues, as management and policy makers must increasingly endeavor to meet the needs of both human beings and ecological systems. Her current research specifically involves investigating the effects of sea surface temperature, sea level rise, and coastal development on marine turtle nesting sites to guide management while prioritizing conservation of nesting beaches along the South Atlantic Bight.  GIS is, and will continue to be, an essential component of her work because it is a highly visual tool that fills a key role in manipulating and modeling spatial data; the use of spatial data inherently facilitates improved communication that can then lead to better decision making among a variety of stakeholders.

At Maryland, Dr. Spivy advises ENSP-Wildlife students, and teaches a number of courses, including: ENSP101 - Intro to Environmental Science and plans to teach some of the ENSP Applied Science and Policy courses for the program. You can reach Dr. Spivy by e-mailing aspivy [at]

Dr. Keith Yearwood, - Department of Geographical Sciences (GEOG)

Dr. Yearwood is a lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Geographical Sciences, and is well acquainted with marine and coastal issues, having grown up in Guyana, located on the north coast of South America near the intersection of the Caribbean and Atlantic Oceans.

Before coming to Maryland, Dr. Yearwood earned a B.A. in Geography from the University of Guyana, then taught for several years in Antigua and the British Virgin Islands. He entered graduate school in urban planning at the University of Florida, but realized after a required internship that he much preferred geomorphology, so switched concentrations and graduated with a Ph.D. in Physical Geography. Given the geography of his home country, Dr. Yearwood holds a special affection for rivers and much of his research is in fluvial geomorphology.

At Maryland, Dr. Yearwood teaches a number of courses, including: GEOG140 - Natural Disasters, and GEOG201/211 - Geography of Environmental Systems. You can reach Dr. Yearwood by e-mailing

Ms. Arielle Wharton - Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health (GEOH)

Arielle Wharton serves as a Lecturer and Advisor for the Undergraduate Environmental Justice (EJ) Specialization in the Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health (GEOH) at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. She holds a bachelor’s degree in GIS and Computer Cartography from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in Applied Meteorology and Climatology, from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. With a background in weather and climate, Arielle is driven by a commitment to address the intersection of climate change, environmental injustices, and health inequities through informed decision-making, community engagement and the development of innovative strategies to mitigate its effects across frontline and fenceline communities.

Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Arielle has lived in various countries including Saudi Arabia and the UK. Her ability to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds enriches the work at UMD.

At Maryland, Arielle advises ENSP Environmental Justice students, and teaches a number of courses, including: MIEH330 Environmental Justice, Racism, and Environmental Health Disparities: How where you live can kill you.  You can reach Arielle by e-mailing