
Student Clubs & Activities

Student Clubs & Activities

Experience gained in campus clubs and activities enhances your professional development  and overall college experience-- and it's fun!  UMD has over 800 clubs to choose from! 

-- The Office of Sustainability publishes a substantial list of Student Groups on campus that are environmentally-focused, and are open to all majors!

-- The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources also has a list of clubs and organizations related to majors within AGNR, and beyond.

-- ENSPire, the ENSP Student Advisory Board is comprised of two student representatives from each class who report  to the ENSP Assistant Director. ENSPire acts as the voice of students within the program, so please reach out to them with any ideas for events, or suggestions/concerns you would like raised with the faculty.  ENSPire strives to unite ENSP majors and those with a genuine interest in bettering the environment through academics, professional development, community service, exploration of nature, and social activity.  They also manage the Facebook page specifically for ENSP Majors.  Email:  enspireatumd [at]

-- The Wildlife Society, a student chapter of the national Wildlife Society organization, combines social activities with professional development.  The Wildlife Society goes on field trips and invites speakers to talk about issues of concern to Wildlife Ecology students.  All majors and concentrations are welcome to join both clubs!  Email: wildlifeumd [at]

-- 17 for Peace and Justice- This organization will seek to empower students and other stakeholders and build community capacity to address social, economic, and political injustice and related environmental and health inequalities by using the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice established at the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington DC as the overarching framework.

-- MANRRS: Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences.  MANRRS is a national society that welcomes membership of people of all racial and ethnic group participation in agricultural and related science careers.  MANNRS promotes academic and professional advancement by empowering minorities in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences.

Want to get off campus on your own? Here are some local favorites: