Environmental Economics
Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources. Economics is not simply about profits or money. It applies anywhere constraints are faced, so that choices may be made. Economists study how incentives affect people's behavior. Environmental and natural resource economics is the application of the principles of economics to the study of how environmental and natural resources are developed and managed. Interested in a PhD in Environmental Econ? Consider the advice of Jason Wong, ENSP-Econ (2013), who now holds a PhD from Columbia University!
This concentration is sponsored by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS - Environmental Economics (pdf.) |
Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics llynch@umd.edu 2200 Symons Hall 301-405-1264 |
For appointments: Please schedule your advising appointment with Dr. Lynch through TerpEngage. If the available appointments don't work, then email her and suggest some other times. Thanks! |