The University of Maryland is committed to academic excellence, and provides a variety of tutoring and other academic resources to support your success. Be sure to seek out assistance early in the semester and take advantage of the resources below so we can help you achieve your academic goals. Let us know ASAP if you are running into difficulty... We want you to be successful!
Online Learning
- Tips for Taking Online Classes - from Northeastern University
Time Management & Study Skills
- Time Management and Procrastination - UMD Counseling Center
- Mastering Time Management for Busy College Students - Purdue University
- Research paper planner - excellent and easy-to-use - Kansas State Univ
- UMD Counseling Center - Time management handouts, worksheets and resources
- GPA Calculator - TESTUDO
- "Stay Alive at 55!"
- A College Student’s Guide to Studying and Test Preparation - College Cliffs
Math and Science - Resources
- Metacognition: The Key to Acing Chemistry by Dr. McGuire (video)
- Chemistry exams - straightforward and helpful -- Frostburg State University
- Organic Chemistry - advice from students and faculty; includes study guides
- Leah4Science - short videos for Orgo topics
- Math Learning Assistance & Math Specialist - provided by the UMD Math Dept
- R - Tutorials for Non-Programmer Datascientists
- Khan Academy - online videos for Math, Chemistry, Statistics, etc.
- AAP - Academic Achievement Programs - 2204 Marie Mount Hall - offers tutors in BSCI, CHEM, ECON, and MATH
- OMSE - Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education - 1101 HBK - offers individual and small group help in Math, science, economics, and statistics.
- UMD Chemistry Tutoring
- UMD Math Tutoring
Research and Writing - Resources
- How to evaluate your sources - Purdue Writing Lab
- Annotated bibliographies - Cornell University
- Zotero - a FREE research tool that collects, manages, and cites research sources; it's easy to use and lives in your Firefox browser - Univ of Arkansas
- UMD Libraries - more than just books; help, too!
- UMD Writing Center - 1205 Tawes Hall - free help with ALL writing assignments
- UMD Office of Student Conduct - 2118 Mitchell Building
- The University as an Intellectual Community - student-friendly and thought-provoking ideas for everyone - from Princeton Univ
FREE and Confidential - Personal Support
- UMD Counseling Center - First floor, Shoemaker Hall. Walk-in or call 301-314-5671
- UMD Health Center - across from Stamp Student Union. Walk-in or call 301-314-8106
- UMD Help Center Hotline - Call: 301-314-HELP. May be available for walk-ins; call first.
What you need to know about the Repeat Policy, Probation and Academic Dismissal
- Repeat Policy
- Academic Probation
- Academic Dismissal
- GPA Calculator - from TESTUDO