


Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP) is a multi-disciplinary undergraduate major co-sponsored by three Colleges and including twelve areas of specialization. While the Program is administratively housed in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, it is co-sponsored by the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, the College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, and the School of Public Health.  ENSP students learn about the natural sciences and human context of environmental problem-solving while completing a lower level, multi-disciplinary "core" and a structured, exploratory advising program.

All new ENSP students begin in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Once students choose their area of specialization, however, they move administratively to the College and academic department sponsoring the specialization. All graduating students earn a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy.

ENSP Specializations, by Advising College and sponsoring department:
ENSP Specialization Sponsoring College

Environment & Agriculture (PSLA)

Environmental Economics (AREC)

Soil, Water & Land Resources (ENST)

Wildlife Ecology & Management (ENST)

"Undeclared" in ENSP (AGNR) -- all new students start here,

as Undeclared students, where they will complete

approximately 2-3 semesters of lower-level "core" courses

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR)

Culture & the Environment (ANTH)  

Environmental Politics & Policy (GVPT)

Global Environmental Change (GEOG)

Land Use (GEOG)

Marine & Coastal Management (GEOG)

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS)

Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (BSCI)

Environmental Geosciences & Restoration (GEOL)

College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS)
Environmental Justice (GEOH) School of Public Health (SPHL)

Unsure of what specialization is right for you?  Click HERE for some guidance.